Feet Health Tips

Habits to Help You with Your Diabetes

What are the Top Five Habits to Change When Trying To Treat and Reverse Diabetes? Read more…

Should everyone get orthotics?

When asking if “Everyone” has foot issues, it depends what you consider issues…, I do sometimes see clients that want to get orthotics as a preventative measure and I always suggest to them…Read more…

What are your thoughts on bare foot running?

There is always a whole lot of discussion about this when a group of Pedorthists get together and Oooooooh…..I just get all giddy about barefoot running, I really, really love it, BUT there is a whole lot of prep that has to happen before someone starts running barefoot..Read more…

How can I protect my feet?

I have a bunion, my mother has a bunion and her mother had a bunion….good news, you can do things to keep them at bay and from getting really painful. Read more…

We have all had sore feet

We have all had sore feet from time to time, but what are the most common issues that cause sore feet? Tom from The Foot Lab in Edmonton gives us his opinion. Read more…

So foot pain/problems are prevented?

Without seeing you and your feet I can’t say categorically. But if you and your feet are fairly healthy, stretch them out and then walk barefoot in sand every day. Read more…

What are the two most common ones?

As we age we lose elasticity in tendons and ligaments, we lose muscle mass and also the number of fibers in the muscle, and we lose bone mass too. Read more…

What is your opinion on reflexology treatments for good foot health?

As I understand it, Reflexology doesn’t really have to do with foot health, I understand that it is a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness.. Read more…

What are the best kind of socks for my feet?

In my opinion any natural fiber is infinitely better for us than any synthetic material! Read more…

How often should I be doing foot exercises?

Yes! Just simply walking every day will keep your feet in good health, but you can also do more! Read more…

What can I do to protect the bones in my feet from wear and tear?

There are 26 bones in the human foot…usually. The best thing that we can do to protect them from wear and tear is to use them regularly, the old adage “use it or lose it” is true in this case. Read more…

If so what should I be wearing?

No, flip flops are not bad for your feet. I am sure you are all relieved to hear that! Read more…

Help Protect Your Feet!

Foot Pain comes from all kind of issues, here are the 5 most common causes of Foot Pain: Read more…

I love wearing High Heels but my feet feel painful, what can I do to stop this?

The most effective thing that anyone can do in this situation is strengthening and stretching, pumps or high heels are very hard on the feet and can lead to a lot of issues. Read more…

The etymology of the word gait.

Where does gait come from? The first records of gait in English come from the early 1500s. It comes from Scots, which is English as spoken in Scotland. Read more…

Orthotic & Custom Insert

Orthotic Solutions

I get asked very similar questions to this way, way more often these days than 20 or 30 years ago. With either – off-the-shelf therapeutic footwear – or – custom made orthopedic footwear – they cover a very wide range of shoes that come Read more…

How can orthotics help?

This I would have to say is a common question. Orthotics are primarily an alignment tool and heel pain is usually caused by misalignment of some kind Read more…

How will I know it is time?

Most orthotics wear out in 2 to 3 years. The majority of my clients that come back in 2 to 3 years is because they can feel the original symptoms beginning to return as the orthotic wears out. Read more…

Tom from “The Foot Lab” in Edmonton…..

In my practice Diabetes is the number one disease that causes the most foot problems that need to be addressed with Custom Made Orthopedic Footwear. Read more…

I want to get into running. Should I get orthotics and why?

First, go slow! Injuries from running are very, very common and mostly from over-doing it. Running is one the most rewarding things anyone can do. Read more…

How do I go about getting orthotics?

Studies have shown that foot orthotics made by Pedorthists and Orthotists are the most effective in affecting foot alignment and improving specific foot problems as well as feeling the most comfortable. Read more…

Will it help with my performance in the game?

I just bought my 15 year old new ice skates and they hurt the arch in his foot, could he get orthotics for his skates? Could this help his performance? Read more…

Do I have to whear my orthotics everyday?

I know I should be wearing my orthotics every day, but I do love having my feet free in the summer. Will not wearing my orthotics every day hurt my progress? Read more…

My daughter is just getting into track and field at school, how do I know what runners to buy her?

My daughter is just getting into track and field at school, I do not know what running shoes to buy her, there are so many out there. Can a Pedorthic Master help get her a good foundation to start this journey of running in the proper way? Read more…

My 3 year old son keeps tripping over things, do you think orthotics would help this and his growth?

That is pretty difficult to answer directly without knowing why he is tripping, does he have something systemic going on or is it just because he is pigeon toed? Read more…

Can orthotics help with Heel Spurs?

First you should see your Doctor in case there is an underlying medical issue that may be causing your pain, the Dr. may suggest, or you can ask for a prescription for, foot orthotics. Read more…

If so how does it work?

I get asked this a lot, so to set the record straight, a high arch or flat feet is not a problem foot or “wrong” so it doesn’t need to be “fixed” Read more…

Can I have my shoes modified to fit my feet exactly?

Yes, making a shoe fit well is relatively simple. Anyone with a C. Ped (C) or C. Ped MC designation should be able to do this simple shoe modification. Read more…

How do Custom Insoles work?

I find that foot orthotics are very effective in eliminating or significantly reducing heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis and/or heel spurs. Read more…

What are some symptoms or tell tail signs that I should get orthotics?

Heel pain is the most common symptom leading to getting foot orthotics. Followed by pain in the ball or forefoot, then pain in the legs and lower back. Read more…

Can orthotics fit in any type of shoe? Or do I need a special orthotic?

There is no yes or no answer, some orthotics are so minimally made that they will fit in any shoe, even pumps….BUT those are also not going to have the ability to affect the feet as an orthotic that is bulkier and will only fit in shoes like runners Read more…

There are some things you need to know about your foot gait.

Here at The Foot Lab we have a client walk away from us and toward us as we look for abnormalities in the movement of the feet, ankles, knees and hips. Read more…